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Room in Fairfax for CF: May 1 or June 1 move-in! $675 ALL utilities included!

I'm moving to DC, and that means my beautiful room in Fairfax is available June 1! However, if you'd like to move in May 1st, that's an option as well (the lease technically ends in June, but I'm more than willing to move out in May if that works). Rent is $675/mo, with a deposit of $700 that you'll get back at the end of your lease. It's in a beautiful quiet neighborhood, and ALL utilities are included...EVEN cable and internet! You will be living with three other AMAZING clean and quiet christian females, who have all become my close friends and I know you would love them. RIGHT across from the GMU campus off of Roberts road (seriously, you can walk there!)

One thing to note is that there's a basement apartment downstairs that's COMPLETELY separate from the main house, where our landlord lives. He's awesome, and he actually does all the maintenance for the house (for free, so NO mowing the lawn, worrying about repairs, or shoveling snow!). You'll barely see him, but if there's ever an emergency or anything you need he'll always be just a phone call or a door-knock away, which has been a huge blessing for these 3 years that I've lived here. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions, to schedule a tour, or to see more pictures!


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